Fee Assistance

The program that started it all.

CASL provides assistance to those in need when their pets get impounded into a shelter and the owners cannot afford to get them out. This gut wrenching situation arises far too often - pet owners are confronted with the possibility of losing their beloved pet due to a lack of fiscal means.

This program is a temporary bandage over a much larger, more difficult to solve problem. We pay fees to help families in real time, but the goal is to do away with outdated policies that create this pain in our community.

If you would like your funds to be earmarked for this program, leave your request in the notes when you donate!

Get in touch.

If you are in need of assistance, let’s see if CASL can help!

There is an application process to qualify for this program- as funds are limited. Please reach out and we will contact you with the steps needed to move forward.

If we cannot help through this program, we can offer guidance to other resources.